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USP 800

USP 800

The USP 800 requirements for safe handling and hazardous drug compounding are here. Some of you have been following USP 800 for a while and already have a compliance system in place. Others are still evaluating which products, timelines, and protocols make the most sense for their institutions. No matter what stage you are in with this process, or how large or small your institution, ChemoGLO is here to help.

Our founders have over 25 years of experience hazardous drug monitoring in pharmacies, infusion areas, and lab spaces. We can help you design a compliance program that assesses your risks and fits your needs. We can help you determine:

• Which areas to test
• What drugs to analyze
• Testing frequency
• How to address areas that are positive for contamination

Our ChemoGLO Wipe Kits are USP 800 compliant and the most widely used hazardous drug detection kits in the United States. Our Wipe Kits can test from 1 drug to 24 drugs using a single swab and can be customized to test any number of areas that fit your program.

Our HDClean towelette wipes are the only hazardous drug cleaning wipes in the market that are tested and proven to deactivate, decontaminate, and clean hazardous drugs from surfaces – all requirements of USP 800. We can help you determine how to use HDClean based on the size and complexity of your operations.

At ChemoGLO, we understand the complexities and requirements of USP 800, and can provide expert customized guidance to fit your needs as you first implement USP 800 requirements and as you continue to monitor your compliance program.